Kolaj Fest 2018: The Seaside Fleet (New Orleans)

Last month* I was invited to bring The Seaside Fleet to New Orleans, to be featured at Kolaj Fest, a festival and symposium about contemporary collage. The event was sponsored by Kolaj Magazine and organized by Ric Kasini Kadour and Christopher Byrne. My transmedia art projects look far afield from collage, but it's the medium I develop my art with, and how I think. I'm very fortunate that Mr. Kasini understood that The Seaside Fleet is large scale collage that fit into the conference mission.What follows are my photos** from the four day event, documenting the first year of Kolaj Fest, and my part in it.

Everyone who helped make Kolaj Fest happen, especially Ric Kasini Kadour & Christopher Byrne, deserve to be praised for their achievement. Thanks and admiration to Antenna Gallery, the team at Kasini House Publishing, The Bluebird Book Bus, fellow distribution artist Rosie Schinners aka The Dystopian Reader, architect and teacher Clive Knights. Special thanks to Stella Jones Gallery, LeMieux Gallery, Jonathan Ferrara Gallery, Arthur Roger Gallery, Octavia Art Gallery, The Chop, Ogden Museum of Southern Art, who allowed The Seaside Fleet to dock at their spaces, as well as The Front and Paper Machine, who I owe boats. To the City of New Orleans, the exhibitors, panelists, collage makers, and everyone who got excited about The Seaside Fleet, and made me feel welcome and understood, thank you very much. I look forward to meeting and working with you all again as we grow and continue. ~JRC - July 2018

**If anyone from Kolaj Fest has photos of The Seaside Fleet (New Orleans) they'd like to send me, I would greatly appreciate it. My cell phone camera was a poor tool for the work asked of it.


Kolaj Fest: French Quarter Sounds


Kolaj Fest 2018: Curatorial Issues in Collage