New Gif: The Office Poet
The Office Poet
I had a busy October, I got married to the love of my life! Making this piece took second place, and more time than I expected. That's good though, because I let the image ruminate in the back of my mind, and that made it better in the end. I'm still learning about the quirks in GIMP too, each new piece is like taking another semester of class.This gif is composed of three elements, plus a continuation of one image from the previous gif, "Head Office". The outer-background is of early-1980s computer printer paper, what came to be called "greenbar paper" over time. I remember drawing on reams of the stuff that I'd get from my mom, who worked in an office during that decade. I found the image used here marked as "labeled for reuse" via google, so felt it was okay to include.
The picture of the man smoking came from the Library of Congress, or possibly another archive. Unfortunately, even though I saved the link, it was for a generic gstatic url and I can't backtrack to the original site for attribution. While I'm sure the picture was designated copyright free, I just forgot to annotate where I found it. The icon of the man at the typewriter is the reused element from last month, I expect to have a growing set of symbols that will appear across this series.
The moose horns that I added to the smoking man were found on I used one horn and flipped it for the other side, as well as distorting the perspective to make it look more natural.The code-like text at bottom was done using the symbol insert component and a common font. They're not arbitrary, I won't give away where they're from as I'd rather curiosity motivate folks to look them up. They're common in language study, and related to poetry.This is another card I'm thinking of doing a backside to with additional text or information.
Even though making these gifs has been slower work than I thought, the research and time I'm putting into them is constantly generating new ideas, and helping me discover the goal I'm working toward. I have some new thoughts about how I'd like audience to view and interact with the pieces, and what the overall theme of the story I'm tell might be.