The Legend of Tarzan (2016)

I'm not a Tarzan fan by any stretch and I haven't seen the new film, but I have been curious how it'd be received by die hard fans, and invested critics studying it through a contemporary eye. Below is a post to one such review which is very much worth reading, and here too, is a link for a second, by another lifelong Burroughs fan.

We live in a world where it is likely any story that has been printed/published/ posted even just once decades or hundreds of years ago, will never ever go away. That's wonderful, except sometimes those tales are fraught with historical trash--fun trash, well constructed trash, trash we can learn something from, but trash nonetheless. Storytelling and history make for complicated bedfellows, but together they're capable of rebirthing ideas in a way that is important and necessary, allowing for the salvaging and growth of mythologies that may be valuable to understanding our past, present, and as a catalogue of that growth for the future.

“...In short, I am fully aware of the problematic nature of the Tarzan films and books. Let’s be clear:  Tarzan is not a racist trope.  It is THE racist trope, arguably the most specific”

Source: The Legend of Tarzan (2016)


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