Mail Art
Mail Art is one of my favorite creative practices, and a community I love being part of.
Buddlies 4 x 4 collage card
Godless 4 x 5 collage card
Hunting Dogs 4 x 4 collage card
Just Top with a Smear of Peanut B, 4 x 5 collage card
l op, 5 x 6 collage card
Loveable Girl-of-the-Month (Hemingway), collage card
Two-Fifty Burger, 5 x 4 collage card
The Citizen, 4 x 5 collage card
This Ove Fair, 4 x 5 collage card
LA Bingo, 4 x 5 collage card
Dad's Razor Blades, 4 x 5 collage card